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Infrasound monitoring for atmospheric studies
Convener: Alexis Le Pichon  | Co-Conveners: Läslo G. Evers , Tormod Kvaerna 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room 7
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 24 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD10.10 

The infrasound field, the science of low-frequency acoustic waves, has developed into a broad interdisciplinary field encompassing academic disciplines of geophysics and recent technical and scientific developments. The infrasound network of the International Monitoring Network (IMS) for nuclear test ban verification and regional cluster arrays deployed around the globe have demonstrated their capacity for detecting and locating infrasonic sources worldwide such as meteorites, explosions, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and microbaroms. Infrasound is capable of traveling up to thermospheric altitudes and over enormous ranges, where its propagation is controlled by the wind and temperature structure. The recordings thus contain information on the state of the (upper) atmosphere.

Systematic investigations into low-frequency acoustic signals have evidenced an unprecedented potential of the monitoring of infrasonic waves permanently generated by natural and man-made events. Furthermore, recent studies point out new insights on quantitative relationships between observables and atmospheric specifications, and therefore opening a new field for atmospheric remote sensing.

We invite contributions on the current studies on infrasound sensors, characterization of different infrasound sources and large scale atmospheric phenomena observed with the stations, characterization of the effects of atmospheric phenomena which affect acoustic propagation, and the utilization of acoustic waves to probe the atmosphere.