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Polarity Transitions and Geomagnetic Excursions: What has Half a Century of Geomagnetic and Palaeomagnetic Research Revealed About Them?
Convener: Joseph Liddicoat  | Co-Convener: Nicolas Thouveny 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room 17
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 27 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Hall A

The behaviour of the palaeomagnetic field at the Matuyama/Brunhes boundary and at the boundaries of subchrons in the Matuyama Reverse Chron is becoming better documented from detailed studies of volcanic rocks and sediments from around the globe. And although the same is true for geomagnetic excursions such as the Blake, Laschamp, and Mono Lake, the behaviour during other excursions in the late Pleistocene (Gothenburg, Erieau, Gulf of Mexico, Imuruk, Lake Mungo, and Lake Biwa, to identify several) is less well known. Complete records of polarity transitions and excursions are desired for a better understanding of core dynamics and, in the case of excursions, for their use as stratigraphic markers for a variety of investigations in the Earth Sciences. Contributions are sought about experimental and theoretical studies of the boundaries of polarity changes of any age that advance the understanding of field behaviour during those periods of geologic time, and of geomagnetic excursions even when there has been difficulty in confirming them away from their locality of discovery.