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Long-term storage of CO2 in geological systems: Results from laboratory studies
Convener: Alexandra Amann-Hildenbrand  | Co-Convener: Andreas Busch 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 25 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room 19
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall XL
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD6.11 

Subsurface flow of CO2 through saline and hydrocarbon reservoirs exhibits distinct phase behavior, chemical reactivity, and petrophysical flow properties relative to other systems that have been extensively studied in the fields of petroleum engineering, groundwater hydrology, and contaminant transport. Experimental investigations are critical for the development of accurate simulations of CO2 flow and trapping in the subsurface. In this session, we seek contributions from investigations of the most pressing issues in the geologic storage of CO2 that are either conducted as a pure experimental or as a combined experimental/modeling study. Topics of interest include the following:

• (Multiphase) flow properties of CO2/brine/hydrocarbon systems in porous and fractured media
• Interfacial properties of CO2/brine/hydrocarbon/rock systems
• Phase properties of CO2/brine/hydrocarbon systems
• Geochemical processes and their impact on flow, phase behavior, and storage security
• Bridging scales from the pore to the Darcy to the basin scale
• The impact of heterogeneity on flow and transport in geologic CO2 storage
• Experimental parameterization and validation of models of flow and reactive transport for geologic CO2 storage
• The use of analogue fluids and temperature/pressure conditions to study geologic CO2 storage
• Studies from natural analogues for the storage of CO2 to investigate the long-term fate of CO2 in the subsurface
• Novel experimental techniques for the observation of rock properties, flow, geochemical reaction, and transport for geologic CO2 storage.