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Geophysical imaging of CO2 geological storage sites (co-organized)
Convener: Stefan Lüth  | Co-Conveners: Stefan Buske , Christopher Juhlin 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room 19
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 26 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Hall XL

Geophysical methods play a key role for the non-invasive investigation and the spatial and temporal characterization of underground CO2 storage sites. Estimates of storage capacity and the detection of potential leakage paths before the injection as well as time-lapse monitoring of the CO2 plume in the subsurface during and after injection are mandatory key tasks to be performed.

This session invites contributions presenting results from national and international R&D projects and studies that aim to characterize and monitor sites for the geological storage of CO2. The main focus is on the principles, capabilities and applications of various geophysical techniques in the frame of geological CO2 storage, including but not limited to:

* active seismics (2D-/3D-/4D surface and borehole, etc.)

* passive seismics (natural and induced seismicity, interferometry, etc.)

* electromagnetic and electric methods (surface and borehole incl. resistivity tomography, MT, self-potential, etc.)

* temperature, pressure and heat flux measurements
* satellite/geodetic/gravity approaches (InSAR, etc.)

We welcome contributions from simulated and real data investigations in the laboratory or field, successful and failed case studies as well as the presentation of new and promising integrated geophysical approaches. Beside the presentation of the techniques special emphasis is given to a profound and self-critical estimate of the feasibility, practical applicability and required sensitivity of the proposed techniques.