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Coupled Physical and Chemical Transformations Affecting the Performance of GeoSystems (co-organized)
Convener: Hartmut Holländer  | Co-Conveners: Josep M. Soler , Georg Kosakowski 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 26 Apr, 13:30–17:00  / Room 19
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 26 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall XL

Understanding the coupling of physical and chemical processes is the key for a proper characterization of the properties and evolution of natural and anthropogenic geochemical systems. A clear example is provided by the long-term evolution of underground waste disposal sites and georeservoirs. The complex interaction of thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, chemical and biological effects may exert profound influence on the evolution of such natural and engineered systems in the subsurface. Their conceptualization and assessment require inter alia a comprehensive understanding of the problem, intensive site investigation, a probabilistic and deterministic description of processes and structures, implementation in numerical tools, and ultimately the prediction of the effects and the assessment of risks associated with their use over several time scales.

This session will:

• present the current state of numerical models that can be used to describe chemical, biological and physical processes and their interactions

• discuss the interpretation of laboratory and field experiments and the quantification and handling of uncertainties of measured data

• share research results, methods and concepts addressing the long-term safety of repositories and other GeoSystems

• foster discussion between code developers and users from the different fields of applications.

Solicited: Mary C. Hill (USGS):"Knowledge, transparency, refutability, and consequences: Using models to evaluate geologic repositories"