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Earth science on Cloud, HPC and Grid
Convener: Horst Schwichtenberg  | Co-Conveners: Paolo Mazzetti , Monique Petitdidier 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 26 Apr, 13:30–15:15  / Room 25
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 26 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y

This session aims at highlighting Earth Science research targeting or concerned with state of the art computational infrastructure such as Supercomputers, Grids, Clouds and accelerator-based systems (GPGPU, FPGA). The session presents an opportunity for everyone to present and learn from results achieved, success stories and experience gathered during the process of study, adaption and exploitation of these systems.
Also contributions are welcome that showcase middleware and tools developed to support Earth science applications on HPC systems, Grid and Cloud infrastructures, e.g. to increase effectivity, robustness, or ease of use.

Topics of interest thus include:
- Earth Science applications leveraging GPGPU (CUDA, OpenCL), FPGA or Manycore.
- Experience with Earth Science data and applications in Cloud enviroments e.g. solutions on Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, Earth Science simulation codes run on Cloud Infrastructures or Platforms.
- Earth Science applications executed on "traditional" Grid Infrastructures.
- Tools and Middleware for Earth Science applications on Grid, Cloud and High Performance Computing infrastructures.
- Tools and services for Earth Science data management, workflow execution, web services and portals to ease access to compute resources.
- How the current development of the platforms and middleware relate to the requirements of Earth Science researchers and applications?

This session offers a unique opportunity to bridge the Cloud, Grid, HPC and Geoscience communities.

Invited speakers:
Steve Brewer, EGI (see
Vangelis Floros, Stratuslab (see

Public information: After the oral session there will be a:
splinter session SPM1.23 (15h30-17h) room SM1-Geosciences on Grid, HPC and Cloud (public)
1st part: poster presenter elevator speech
2nd part: Panel Discussion on GRID, HPC and DATA -infrastructures
- single sign on a dream ?
- e-Infrastrucures are ready for "Big data analytics"