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Sedimentary basins as active fluid circulation systems
Convener: David Hindle  | Co-Conveners: Sabine Attinger , Auli Niemi , Elco Luijendijk 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 23 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room 38
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD16.15 

Sedimentary basins develop as the consequence of often millions of years of geological processes, which include tectonics, erosion, transport, deposition, mechanical compaction, thermal evolution, surface influences from climate change over time, and the continuous circulation of fluids and associated dissolution, transport and re-precipitation of complex mixtures of chemical elements. Functioning of a basin as a fluid circulation system is thus strongly influenced by a rich, and presumably unique geological inheritance. All the above factors that may vary during the evolution of a basin will also vary at the present day from one basin to another, and potentially modify the way fluids circulate within a system. Moreover, in some regions, present day anthropogenic factors such as water or hydrocarbon extraction and mining also significantly influence fluid circulation, sometimes to the point where they become the dominant drivers.

This session invites contributions that cross traditional boundaries between hydrogeology, groundwater composition, geology, and geodynamics to study the present day functioning of basins as integrated systems with influences from any and all of these sources. Thus, research in the domain of fluid-fault interaction, climatic and hydrological coupling, deep basin versus shallow fluid circulation and the general partitioning of fluids in such systems (particularly evident in Artesian basins), basin wide fluid circulation modelling, fluid circulation responses to tectonic stress and different tectonic settings, are all welcome, as are any contributions focused on the effect of geological inheritance or anthropogenic modification on any aspect of present day fluids.