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Climate, water and health (co-organized)
Convener: Andreas Langousis  | Co-Conveners: Antarpreet Jutla , Alexander Kolovos , Alin Andrei Carsteanu 
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 26 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

Confirmed invited speakers include:
Ali Shafqat Akanda(TUFTS) and Enrico Bertuzzo (EPFL)

This session is designed to explore the impacts of the hydro-climatic system and its changes on population health. In particular, contributions are sought that shed light on the following issues:

1. Complex interlinkages of climate change with water resources and population health, including surface temperatures, extreme weather events, water- and food-born illnessess, vector- and rodent-born diseases, food and water shortages.

2. Current data and information bases on water resources conditions and variations, in a climatic context, over a wide range of space-time scales, and health impacts.

3. Development of climate-sensitive adaptive strategies to changing patterns of water availability using analytical and statistical methods.

4. Relationship between precipitation and water quality degradation, and the effects on public health in regard to waterborne diseases.

5. Modelling tools for organizing integrated solutions to climate-water-health problems.

6. Enhancing understanding of uncertainty measures and their effective use concerning the interacting impacts of climate variability, water scarcity, and health issues.

7. Quantitative assessments of hydrologic extremes and water-related natural disasters.

8. Scale compatibility of model linkages, particularly in the linking of atmospheric-hydrologic-health models.