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Climate, Hydrology and Water Infrastructure (co-organized)
Convener: Demetris Koutsoyiannis  | Co-Conveners: Manfred Mudelsee , João de Lima , Xiaolan Wang 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 26 Apr, 13:30–17:00  / Room 33
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 27 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Hall A

Water and climate are tightly linked: Water vapour is by far the most important greenhouse gas; conversely, diachronic changes to climate impact hydrology and the existing water infrastructure at catchment scale. Change in hydrological regime is influenced by many factors in addition to climate, including changes in land use and water infrastructure. Also, climate includes processes other than hydrological. Nonetheless, studying hydrological cycle and climate together would provide better insights, particularly if we want to characterize potential differences in future states of climate, hydrology, availability of water resources, and hydroclimatic risks. However, the corresponding scientific disciplines (climatology, hydrology, and water resources engineering and management) employ very different tools and methods. In addition to papers on assessing impacts of climate and hydrological change on water infrastructure and the associated risks, this session seeks papers exploring the more fundamental interface between climate, hydrology and water resource technology: What can hydrology and water technology offer to climate science, and vice versa? Papers that explore how hydrological and climatological data can be employed to improve our understanding of the physical processes associated with climate, to calibrate models, to develop or adapt water infrastructure plans, to investigate the feasibility and limitations of forecasts and predictions, and to estimate corresponding uncertainties, are particularly sought.

Invited speakers:
Richard P. Allan (Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, UK): "Current and future changes in precipitation and its extremes"
Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz (Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań, Poland & Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany): "Changes in flood risk in Europe - Holistic perspective"
Malaak Kallache (IMDEA Water)"Employing extreme value statistics for water management purposes in the context of climate change"