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Complexity Education in the Geosciences (co-organized)
Convener: Daniel Schertzer  | Co-Convener: Henk A. Dijkstra 
Mon, 23 Apr, 19:00–20:00  / Room 4

Modern methods from the analysis of complex systems, usually indicated by complexity theory, are more and more applied to geophysical problems. Education into the background of these methods and their proper application, however, appears to be very limited. In this TM, we will discuss the current situation and consider concerted actions to improve it.

Public information: The EGU/ NG division invites you to share your views on Education in Complex Systems during this EGU Townhall meeting (room 4, Monday 23 April, 2012, 19:00-20:00).

Complex systems are ubiquitous in geophysics and training to the corresponding
methodologies is more than ever both a necessity and a challenge for advanced

Chair: H. Dijkstra.

19:00-19:10 Teaser (D. Schertzer)
- definitions of complex systems, what is common, what are the differences
- a few open questions
- training examples

19:10-19:45 General discussion

19:45-20:00 Sum-up (P. Ourgine)
- actions in/with EGU
- other actions