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Nonlinear, scaling and complex Physical and Biogeophysical Processes in the Atmosphere and Ocean
Convener: Valerio Lucarini  | Co-Conveners: François G. Schmitt , Shaun Lovejoy , Juan Manuel Lopez 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 25 Apr, 13:30–15:15  / Room 17
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 24 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y

A central issue in geophysical fluid dynamics is the analysis of the complex statistical properties of flows on scales ranging from planetary down to dissipation scales (in space) and from multiannual to seconds and smaller (in time). This session will highlight nonlinear dynamics and the space-time scaling properties of atmosphere, ocean, and climate. Contributions dealing with models of various degrees of complexity are welcome. The session will also host contributions of theoretical and methodological nature.

Specific topics include:
• theoretical and experimental studies of turbulence, and related cascade models;
• turbulent transfers of energy;
• Multiscale analysis;
• passive and active scalar diffusion/transport (including clouds and precipitation);
• variability and coupling across abroad range of scales in climate;
• land/atmosphere and ocean/atmosphere interactions;
• scaling properties in climate models ;
• scaling and nonlinear aspects of physical, biological, chemical fields in the ocean and freshwaters
• Biodiversity and plankton-turbulence coupling;
• Methods for fractal and multifractal analysis of data;
• Time series analysis in the atmosphere and ocean.

Invited Speakers:
H. Yahia (INRIA, France): High resolution ocean dynamics from micro canonical formulations in nonlinear complex signal analysis