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Open Session on Coastal and Shelf Seas
Convener: Johan van der Molen  | Co-Conveners: Huib E. de Swart , Georgy Shapiro 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 23 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room 5
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD7.14 

Contributions are invited on innovative observational, theoretical, experimental and modelling studies concerning subaquaeous physical processes in estuaries, coastal seas and shelf seas. Processes can include hydrodynamics (e.g., waves, tides, currents, eddies, density structures), transport of material (e.g., sediments, contaminants, nutrients), and morphodynamics (e.g., evolution of bed forms, banks or basin shape). Study areas are envisaged between the base of the shelf break and the seaward limit of the surf zone. Scales of primary interest are basin scale down to about a hundred metres. However, contributions on processes outside these geographical limits, or of smaller scales (e.g., turbulence, ripples) will be considered where they significantly influence processes within these limits. Equally, contributions on non-physical or non-marine processes (e.g., climate dynamics, biogeochemistry, man-made structures) will be considered where they significantly influence, or are significantly influenced by, the processes aimed at in this session. Apart from the general session, two subsessions are envisaged. The first will be devoted to morphodynamics, focussing in particular on physical interactions between co-evolving hydrodynamics, sediment transport and sea-bed topography. The second will be devoted to effects of marine renewable energy devices on large-scale flow, transport processes, waves, morphodynamics and biogeochemistry in coastal and shelf seas.