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Physical and biogeochemical ocean modelling: development, assessment, and applications
Convener: David Ham  | Co-Conveners: Sergey Danilov , Thierry Penduff , Stephen M. Griffies 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 23 Apr, 13:30–17:00  / Room 2
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y

Ocean modelling is a sophisticated and active field of research. It requires the development of new discretisation and parameterisation techniques, the improvement of strategies to quantitatively assess models and simulations, and the sound choice of adequate methods and tools to simulate single or multiple biogeochemical and physical processes over a wide range of space and time scales. Innovative statistical methods are needed to better quantify model biases with respect to historical and modern observations, assess the significance of these biases and their sensitivity to model parameters at various scales, and the relevance of various observing platforms for this exercise. This session will provide a forum for the latest work in all aspects of ocean modelling in either stand-alone or coupled mode

Presentations are solicited covering these aspects of ocean modelling at all space and time scales. This includes for instance new parameterisations, boundary conditions, vertical coordinates, discretisations and stable, accurate advection schemes on structured and unstructured meshes, quantitative assessment methods for ocean simulations based on observations or theories, numerical and oceanographic outcomes of such comparisons, and innovative uses of ocean models for research and operational applications. Contributions are also welcome on the subject of ocean model technology such as interfaces, interoperability and standardisation, new platforms and data formats. Modelling of biogeochemical processes and the ocean carbon cycle also lie within the session's scope.