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Geological processes in the Solar System
Convener: Fred Jourdan  | Co-Conveners: Stephanie C. Werner , Alexander Deutsch 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room 25
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 27 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Hall X/Y

Geological processes such as impact, volcanism and tectonics are fundamental to the formation and evolution of the planets, moon, asteroids and comets of the solar system. These processes have largely contributed to shape planetary surfaces, each of them in different ways, and at different rate. For example, asteroid impacts have played a critical role during planetary history, by delivering the primary constituents of asteroids and planets and by peppering their surface with impact craters. Volcanism and tectonic processes are efficient mechanisms to resurface terrestrial planets and bring valuable information on planetary interior and evolution. The study of geological
processes in the solar system is at the crossroad of many scientific disciplines either using in-situ sample analyses, remote sensed data measurements or computer modelling.

This session is focused on all aspects of study of extraterrestrial (asteroids, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, et al.) geology as well as terrestrial impact structures. We invite new contributions dealing with all aspects of planetary geology, from the birth of the solar system to present. Presentations of new technological advancements that help solving planetary geological problems are
also welcome.