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Experimental and theoretical simulations
Conveners: Luigi Colangeli , Javier Martín-Torres  | Co-Conveners: Ruth Ziethe , Karsten Seiferlin , Derek W. G. Sears 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 27 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Room 2
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 27 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Hall X/Y

The aims of this session is:

1. To provide a platform for any kind of research which is based primarily on laboratory
experiments or numerical models, supporting space data analysis. This may include models
and laboratory simulations of planetary interior, subsurface, surface or atmospheric, as well
as interplanetary processes/materials.
As most sessions about planets, moons and small bodies concentrate on results from recent
missions, this session is meant to present results from laboratory work or numerical models
which might be based on mission results but do not have necessarily to be.

2. To cover experimental and theoretical works on spectroscopy and radiative
transfer. Papers are solicited on results of observational, experimental, theoretical and modelling
studies in the Spectroscopy, Retrieval Techniques and Radiative Transfer areas applied to the
characterization of planetary atmospheres. The purpose is to provide the opportunity to scientists
working in the fields of spectroscopy, retrieval and radiative transfer modelling to exchange their
mutual interests and needs.