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Earth's inner magnetosphere coupling: Observational and modelling studies
Convener: Fabien Darrouzet  | Co-Convener: Sandrine Rochel Grimald 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 25 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room 7
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y

In recent years, satellite measurements, numerical simulations and theoretical studies have advanced our knowledge of the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere. But the understanding of the coupling processes among the plasmasphere, ring current, radiation belts and plasmasheet is still incomplete. Coupling processes in the inner magnetosphere region are related to the variability of electromagnetic fields and currents and to wave particle interactions, but their modelling is partly inaccurate. Comparisons of and confrontations between different techniques and datasets should be encouraged in order to improve the understanding and modelling of these fundamental aspects of inner magnetosphere physics. This session is devoted to a better comprehension of the strongly coupled inner magnetospheric system to provide important insight on how disturbances on the Sun and magnetosphere can propagate through the inner magnetosphere. Contributions reporting recent results and comparative studies of couplings between regions of the Earth's inner magnetosphere are welcome. Observational studies of particular events, statistical studies, and modelling efforts are accepted. In particular, studies in prevision of future missions related to the inner magnetosphere (RBSP, ORBITALS, ERG, ...) are encouraged, as well as multi-satellite studies.