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Architecture of Future Tsunami Warning Systems (co-organized)
Convener: Joachim Wächter  | Co-Conveners: Kym Watson , Stefano Tinti 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room 1
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 26 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y

In the years after the Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004 our knowledge about tsunami warning systems has grown significantly. Especially the construction and architecture of warning systems has made substantial progress towards multi-sensor platforms and system-of-systems approaches.

This session addresses main achievements of and future challenges for the architecture of tsunami warning systems. Relevant topics include but are not limited to:
- Integration of heterogeneous sensor systems, e.g. seismic systems, tide gauges, or tsunami buoys
- Application of unconventional sensors for situation assessment and damage estimation, e.g. blogs, smartphone apps, and low cost mobile airborne sensors
- Process design of standard operational procedures in warning centres
- Integration of simulation systems for forecasting of tsunami wave propagation as well as systematic testing of warning systems
- Message-based coordination of activities of warning centres in a system-of-systems environment, e.g. based on the Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS)
- Concepts of and best practices for the operation of complex multinational warning systems, e.g. utilisation of service level agreements (SLA) and IT Infrastructure Library procedures (ITIL).

The session is intended as a communication platform for tsunami research, disaster management, and information technology.

Public information: This session addresses main achievements of and future challenges for the architecture of tsunami warning systems including: (1) Integration of heterogeneous sensor systems, e.g. seismic systems, tide gauges, or tsunami buoys, (2) Integration of simulation systems for forecasting of tsunami wave propagation, (3) Testing and monitoring of warning systems, (4) Message-based coordination of activities of warning centres in a system-of-systems environment, (5) Adoption of standards e.g. OASIS and OGC. The session is intended as a communication platform for tsunami research, disaster management, and information technology.