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What is the nature of the subduction interface? Cross-disciplinary views from Geodynamics-Geochemistry-Seismology (co-organized)
Convener: Philippe Agard  | Co-Convener: Taras Gerya 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 24 Apr, 13:30–17:00  / Room 20
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 24 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

Subduction zones are crucial areas for understanding lithospheric-scale coupling between plates, risk assessment, or vertical movements and material recycling on Earth. In recent years a wealth of geophysical and petrological data have been gathered on the plate-slab interface. Geophysical imaging supports the existence of 2-8 km thick low-velocity layers on top of most subducting slabs and confirms the presence of a hydrated (30-40 vol%), serpentinized mantle wedge tip. Petrological studies now provide detailed T-depth-time-fluid evolutions with a km-scale spatial resolution, and thermomechanical models yield insightful views on subduction dynamics and exhumation models.

Yet, in detail, the nature and structure of the subduction interface are still poorly constrained (e.g., which lithologies and mixed to which extent, which rheologies, which fluids and where, what is their exact bearing on earthquake ruptures, etc…).
Time has come to further combine data to get a more refined view of the physical conditions and processes at work along the subduction interface. We welcome contributions from all disciplines, with a special focus on high-resolution lithospheric and crustal-scale constraints from geophysics and geochemistry, high-precision thermobarometry and P-T-t paths, fully coupled thermodynamic and mechanical numerical modelling. This session also aims at fostering joint collaboration and research and at bridging the gap between the various communities.