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The Gondwana
Convener: Tamer Abu-Alam 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 26 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Room 20
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 26 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

This session aims to draw the tectonic evolution of the orogenies that were formed due to the collision between East- and West-Gondwana (Pan-African, Brasiliano, Adelaidean and Beardmore orogenies). The collision between East- and West-Gondwana was associated by closure of several major Neoproterozoic oceans (Kröner & Stern, 2004). These are the Mozambique Ocean between East Gondwana (Australia, Antarctica, southern India) and West Gondwana (Africa, South America), the Adamastor Ocean between Africa and South America, the Damara Ocean between the Kalahari and Congo cratons, and the Trans-Sahara Ocean between the West African Craton and a poorly known pre-Pan-African terrane in north-central Africa (Klerkx & Deutsch, 1977; Toteu et al., 1990; Black & Liegeois, 1993) variously known as the Nile or Sahara Craton.
This session will discuss any rock type which was formed or deformed during the collision. As well as it will discuss the structural elements those were formed during the collision.