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The Student-to-Professional Continuum: Developing the Future Global Geoscience Workforce
Convener: Christopher Keane 
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

Data from the IUGS Global Geoscience Taskforce indicate that developed nations face the immediate need to replace the current wave of retiring geoscientists while developing nations need to bolster human and capital infrastructure to support the training of future geoscientists. The US and other developed nations are beginning to see the loss of technical skills in the geoscience workforce, both within academia, government, and industry sectors. The implementation of successful retention and student-to-professional transition strategies are critical for bolstering the supply of new graduates to geoscience occupations. Furthermore as the geoscience workforce becomes increasingly global, geoscience graduates need to be equipped not only with strong geoscience skills, but also experience in international collaboration. This session explores the following set of topics:

• Successful strategies for recruiting students and retaining students in geoscience programs (including mentoring programs, interships, use of alumni, academic-industry networking, etc.).
• Successful strategies for helping students transition into geoscience occupations.
• The use of international geoscience networks and programs to build core geoscience skills and experience with international collaboration.
• Programs that are focused on improving building the local and national geoscience workforce in developing nations and areas of underrepresented populations
• Analysis of the number of degrees conferred and percentage of students tranferring into geoscience occupations at a national level.
• The transferability of geoscience credentials as geoscientists work in different countries around the world.