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Plate kinematics, mantle convection, paleogeography and sea level (co-organized)
Convener: Dietmar Müller  | Co-Conveners: Hans-Peter Bunge , Maria Seton , Sascha Brune , George Helffrich , Gabi Laske 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 27 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room 30
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 26 Apr, 15:30–19:00  / Hall XL

Plate kinematic reconstructions and numerical geodynamic simulations have become key methods in understanding Earth's tectonic history on regional and global scale. Recent advances in coupled plate kinematic-geodynamic models, constrained by a diversity of geological and geophysical data generated a growing interest in the forces driving and resisting plate motions, their patterns of variations in time and space and the contribution of mantle convection to surface processes. The time dependence of surface topography may include lithospheric deformation, thinning or thickening, erosion and sedimentation, and ocean island uplift and subsidence as well as mantle convection processes. Therefore they often reflect more than one phenomenon, and unravelling the contributions from these different processes often proves to be challenging. The difficulties involved further reflect both the complexity and non-uniqueness of geodynamic models as well as the incompletely preserved geological record. In turn, the geological record may be represented alternatively by mapped paleo-coastlines, structural and/or sedimentary data or fission track/isotope data constraining the uplift, subsidence, loading or unloading or tilting of continents. In order to be useful in this context, these data need to be available in digital form, and integrated in such a way that they are useful for constraining geodynamic models. This session invites contributions assessing the relative importance of forces at work upon the coupled mantle-lithosphere system from both field observations and geodynamic modelling. We further invite talks on any aspect of the modelling, observational or data integration efforts involved in linking deep earth processes and plate motions to the evolution of surface topography, ocean island uplift and subsidence, and sea level change. Invited speakers: Jean Braun (Université Joseph Fourier de Grenoble) , Carmen Gaina (Univ. of Oslo), Laurent Husson (Université Rennes), R. Ramalho (U. Muenster), and N. Ribe (UPMC Orsay).