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Modelling of dangerous phenomena, and innovative techniques for hazard evaluation and risk mitigation
Convener: Giulio G.R. Iovine  | Co-Conveners: Johannes Huebl , Manuel Pastor , Christoph Aubrecht 
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 26 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y

Several types of dangerous phenomena (either natural or man-made) pose a serious risk in many parts of the world. A fundamental task in hazard evaluation includes the prediction of the area influenced by the hazardous phenomenon, of its evolution in space and time, and the understanding of triggering mechanisms. As concerns specific risk evaluation, a further issue must be analysed in terms of vulnerability.
Aiming at decreasing the risk, innovative approaches may range from modelling to monitoring, to landuse planning and knowledge dissemination, to realizing remedial works.
Studies describing innovative methods of monitoring, modelling and simulation (and related methods of calibration and validation, as well as of sensitivity analyses) are solicited. Comparative discussions on potential and limits of different approaches are also within the scope of this session.