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Quantifying fluvial channel processes - New and innovative multidisciplinary approaches
Convener: Kevin Norton 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 26 Apr, 13:30–17:00  / Room 21
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall XL

Fluvial networks are major components of the geomorphic system and impact landscape evolution in close to all terrestrial environments. Innovations in measurement techniques and data analysis have led to an unprecedented increase in our understanding of fluvial channel processes, e.g., bedrock erosion, sediment production and transport, hillslope-channel coupling etc. This session will provide a forum for presenting both innovative methods and novel applications of recently-developed techniques for understanding geomorphological processes at spatial scales ranging from mountain streams to large lowland rivers. This may include (but is not limited to) remote-sensing, field investigations, analogue and/or numerical modelling (hydrological and sedimentological processes), and geochemical tracers (e.g., U-series, cosmogenic nuclides, short-lived radionuclides etc.). We invite submissions from throughout the Earth Sciences community with a focus on advancing fluvial hydrology, channel erosion, sediment routing systems, and landscape evolution.
Invited speakers: Sebastian Castelltort and Hella Wittmann.