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Connectivity in water and sediment dynamics: how do we move forwards? (co-organized)
Convener: Anthony Parsons  | Co-Conveners: Saskia Keesstra , Ronald Pöppl , David Dunkerley 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 26 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room 21
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 27 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Hall XL

Attempts to understand the generation of runoff are typically conducted at fine spatial and temporal scales. However, for this understanding to be applied to problems of catchment hydrology, landform evolution, and soil erosion it needs to be applied at much coarser resolutions. Connectivity has emerged in recent years as one powerful conceptual framework within which to understand the spatial pattern and temporal variability evident in runoff and sediment transport.
The concept has had particular success in the field of catchment hydrology, but has also been employed in, for example, explaining rates of soil erosion by water, in the study of aeolian processes and in fire propagation. However, despite these successes, the concept has resulted in little more than case studies, with little in the way of the development of a theoretical underpinning, despite overlaps with similar terminology in landscape ecology.
Contributions to this session have been invited on any aspect of connectivity, but are mainly focused on runoff generation. We hope to use the session to develop a debate that brings together hydrologists, geomorphologists and agronomists that will generate the basis for an integrated theoretical framework.