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Upwelling events, coastal-offshore exchange processes and their impact on the marine ecosystem under changing climate conditions
Co-Conveners: Andreas Lehmann , Jo Hopkins 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 23 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room 7
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD7.18 

Upwelling is a typical phenomenon e.g. in the European Seas. Winds from favorable directions blowing predominately parallel to the coast cause upwelling leading to vertical displacement of the water body and mixing. During the thermal stratified period, upwelling can lead to a strong sea-surface temperature drop of more than 10 °C changing drastically the thermal balance and stability conditions at the sea-surface. Upwelling can play a key role in replenishing the euphotic zone with the nutritional components necessary for biological productivity when the surface layer is depleted of nutrients.

This Theme Session is to invite scientist to present their work dealing
with integrated analyses of coastal upwellings, and costal‐offshore exchanges for
different areas of the oceans. The session covers all physical aspects of these processes as
well as interactions with biogeochemistry. This includes observations, modelling
studies as well as the utilisation of satellite remote sensing. Papers and posters which integrate
physics and biogeochemistry in relation to upwellings and coastal‐offshore
interactions are especially welcome.