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Understanding Fire Phenomena in the Earth System Using Interdisciplinary Approaches
Co-Conveners: Guillermo Rein , Andrew C. Scott 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 23 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Room 22
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y

“Understanding Fire Phenomena in the Earth System Using Interdisciplinary Approaches” aims to bring together all disciplines within fire science toward increasing scientific understanding of the impact of fires on the Earth system. The session will include Fire Behaviour, Fire and the Biosphere, Fire and Earth’s Past and Fire and the Earth System. These groupings are designed to enhance interaction between the communities of fire safety engineering, wildfire prediction, fire ecology, palaeofire and Earth system science enabling insight to be gained into the influence of fire on our planet.

The session will enhance exchange of ideas and knowledge between fire scientists in order to: 1) Enable integration of cutting edge modern methods from fire safety engineering into earth system studies, 2) Promote the understanding of deep time and long- term environmental changes (million year timescales) into modern fire science studies, 3) Link the black carbon and biogeochemical communities with the other veins of fire research in terms of modern and deep time perspectives. It is hoped that the session will promote, continue and expand the interactions between fire scientists the world over.