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Assessment and modeling of concentrated flow erosion
Convener: Rafael Giménez  | Co-Conveners: Lee Gordon , Encarnación Taguas , Javier Casalí , Mike James 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 24 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Room 22
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 24 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y

Soil Erosion on hillslopes has been divided traditionally into sheet, rill, and gully Erosion. In sheet Erosion, a relatively shallow overland flow removes sediment particles uniformly from the Land surface; these processes can be very gradual and result in an imperceptible change in the landscape during individual storm events. In rill and gully Erosion, overland flow is concentrated, which markedly increases the erosivity of the flow, and can cause then significant incisions into the landscape. Usually the rills occur on sloping surfaces, whereas the gullies occur within swales or hollows.
Not surprisingly, then, concentrated flow erosion represents an important -if not the dominant- sediment source within watersheds. These channels are effective links for transferring runoff, sediment and other potential materials thereby increasing landscape connectivity.
The complex physical mechanisms involved in concentrated flow erosion still require more research for a better understanding, with the ultimate aim of developing prediction technology and effective management strategies.

The session pretends to address mainly the following topics:

- Measurement techniques
- Monitoring
- Modelling
- Channel (network) evolution
- Concentrated flow hydraulics and sediment transport