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Nanosized iron oxides in soils: agronomic, environmental and palaeoenvironmental significance (including Philippe Duchaufour Medal Lecture)
Co-Convener: José Alfonso Gomez 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 23 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Room 3
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y

Iron oxides [a term used here to designate all Fe(III) oxides, oxihydroxides and hydroxides] are major components of soils. In most instances, pedogenic Fe oxides are nanosized, a property that strongly contributes to their reactivity. Thus, they have a bearing on many soil physical and chemical properties of agronomic and/or environmental significance such as the formation of structure and the sorption of nutrients and contaminants. In addition, the nature and properties of paragenetic iron oxides reflect the physical and chemical properties of the environment where soils once formed.

This session will focus on recent advances in the characterization of nanosized Fe oxides in soils and how the information thus obtained can be successfully used to predict the impact of these minerals on various properties of agronomic and environmental significance. We also invite contributions on recent advances in the interpretation of the palaeoenvironmental significance of Fe oxide suites in soils formed in different climatic regions.