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Cutting across the soil-water field: A way to make new flowers blooming or the risk of sitting on the fence?
Convener: Nunzio Romano  | Co-Conveners: Marnik Vanclooster , Klaas G.J. Nierop , Stefan Doerr , Stefan Dekker 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 25 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Room 22
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y

The soil-water field has been traditionally cultivated by different “farmers”, such as physicists, engineers, or chemists, just to make some names, who also tried to carry the topic towards their specific sectors. Soil Physics and Vadose Zone Hydrology give now room to most of the various researchers. Recently, lively discussions held at conferences and society meetings as well as more structured articles in international journals (e.g. HESS, Journal of Hydrology) are confronting different opinions about carrying out studies at boundaries of disciplines or coining new names for old researches. This can be the case for sub-disciplines such as “hydrogeophysics”, “hydropedology, “ecogeomorphology”, and “biohydrology” or, for example, for the name “ecohydrology” which is viewed by some as just a way of bringing back to studies of water transfer in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum.
This event would invite talks formulating visionary thoughts on the activation of integrated scientific researches in the soil-water field and the way with which we all can reap the rewards of this activity.
Soil specialists and hydrologists, especially young scientists, are solicited to send contributions to the poster session to further stimulate discussions and have a fruitful exchange of ideas among different disciplines.