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Soil de-pollution and changing organic management systems
Convener: Peter Burauel  | Co-Convener: Jean Charles Munch 
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD4.9 

Persistence, bioaccumulation, toxicity and transfer to surface and ground waters are key issues when pollutants enter the soil environment. Their fate is influenced by the dynamics of sorption, binding and remobilization processes in function of time and space. These processes are influenced by adapting soil management systems due to global changes, with a direct effect on soil organic matter characteristics. There is an increased demand on agricultural practice to use and recycle organic residues from various biomass power plants of still unknown effects on the filter and buffer function of soils.
The session will promote a better understanding of the effect of organic amendments of new sources on organic matter and pollutant fate. Biological, chemical as well as physicochemical process understanding addressed integratetively are of particular interest. Results should elucidate the effect on soil organic matter pool characteristics, soil microbial potentials, and gaseous losses from soil habitats. Data on the effect of soil water household and temperature changes on organic matter cycling simulating climatic changes are welcome to broaden the scientific discussion within the session.