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Materials, evolution and dynamics of the mantle [including Bunsen Medal Lecture and Kuno Medal Lecture] (co-organized)
Conveners: Fabrizio Nestola , Fabrice Gaillard , Dirk Spengler , Gareth Davies , Andreas Stracke 
 / Thu, 11 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / 13:30–16:00  / Room G9
 / Wed, 10 Apr, 13:30–17:00  / Room PICO Spot 2

This interdisiplinary session covers the composition, structure, dynamics and evolution of the mantle, from the lithosphere to the D" zone. We invite participation from a spectrum of disciplines, including seismology, mineral physics, petrology, isotope geochemistry and convection modelling, to understand how the mantle functions and how it evolved to its current state.

Public information: This session is co-sponsored by the European
Association of Geochemistry