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Active Tectonics and the Earthquake Cycle (co-organized)
Convener: Matthieu Ferry  | Co-Convener: Kris Vanneste 
 / Mon, 08 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / 13:30–15:00  / Room B1
 / Attendance Mon, 08 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Blue Posters

Active Tectonics studies may shed light onto the understanding of the long-term and short-term deformation patterns in intraplate domains and along plate boundaries. A wide range of approaches such as paleoseismology, paleogeodesy, paleotsunami investigations, tectonic geomorphology and high-resolution datation methods bring unprecedented constraints on the identification of active structures, the distribution of associated deformation and the size and timing of past earthquakes. This, in turn, may be used to better understand i) the earthquake cycle through the characterization of its inter-seismic, co-seismic and post-seismic periods and ii) related hazard (including earthquake, tsunami and triggered mass movements) through the characterization of recurrence patterns.
This session seeks contributions on the study of earthquake-prone areas in interplate and intraplate regions that combine approaches such as earthquake geology and geomorphology, seismotectonics, geophysical imaging (including GPR and seismics) and remote sensing (including InSAR and LiDAR surveys). We also encourage contributions that incorporate such observations into seismic hazard assessment.

- This session is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Nikos Palyvos -

Solicited people:
Luca Gasperini, ISMAR-CNR,
Olaf Zielke, KAUST,
Esther Hintersberger, University of Vienna,