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Fluids-rocks-tectonics interactions in basins and orogens, and feed-back with geodynamics (co-organized)
Convener: Olivier Lacombe  | Co-Conveners: Antonio Benedicto , Leni Scheck-Wenderoth , Nina Kukowski , Antonio Caracausi 
 / Wed, 10 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / 13:30–17:00  / Room B1
 / Attendance Thu, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Blue Posters

Fluid flow is a first-order feature of the geodynamic evolution of basins and orogens. Fluids interact with rocks from the earliest stages of sedimentation until the stages these rocks are deformed and/or
metamorphized and then exhumed.
Fluids are major contributors to mineralization and ore deposits, hence of resources, and the interactions between fluid flows and tectonic structures, such as fault zones, strongly influence the mechanical behavior of the crust at different space and time scales (e.g., variations of fluid (over)pressure, seismogenic behavior).

This session aims at making the point on our knowledge of fluid-rock-tectonics interactions in basins and orogens and at evaluating to what extent fluids influence, and in turn are influenced by, rock composition and physical/rheological properties and structural evolution (folds, fault zones) at different
levels of the continental crust.

We will focus on regional/case studies (e.g., fluid-rock interactions and fluid signatures in compressional, strike-slip or extensional settings)
as well as on more technical aspects (recent advances in methods and techniques for fluid characterization and fluid pathways reconstruction, fluid-rock
interaction modeling : geochemical transport-reactive; fluid-flow, mechanics, thermal and diagenesis modeling, dating of fluid circulation).

We welcome contributions dealing with either hydrocarbon fluids (petroleum and gas systems; basin modeling) or hydrothermal and/or basinal fluids (mineralizing fluid systems). We also welcome
works on the role and behavior of fracture systems and fault zones during fluid circulation in the crust down to the brittle-ductile transition (e.g., transient vs long-term fluid-rock interactions in fractures and faults, rock alteration related to fluid flow through
faults, mineralizations and ore bodies associated with faults).

The current session results from merging with GD2.3/TS2.7 Fluids in Basin Dynamics,
the description of which was as follows :

This session addresses the role of fluids in sedimentary basins on different temporal and spatial scales and aims to bring together studies focusing on geodynamics, tectonics, sedimentology and geochemistry. The Task Force Sedimentary Basins of the International Lithosphere Programme promotes the dialogue between researchers studying the basin fill with those investigating the deeper structure as well as with those developing numerical and analogue experiments of processes that take place in basins of different geo-tectonic settings. This session therefore is meant as a platform for this type of exchange and wants to combine basin-fill related research with concepts of deep lithospheric deformation and to evaluate the relationship between the two end members. We seek contributions related to the role fluids from different depth levels of the lithosphere, including deep fluids, magmatic or hydrothermal, as well as fluids influencing the shallower parts of the basin system such as salt layers, petroleum, gas or water. Noble gas provides a key tracer in studies related to understand fluid origin (oil and gas) and their interaction with the groundwater in the crust. They also can help in identifying the origin of non-hydrocarbon gases such as CO2 and N2 by relating these species to mantle-derived and crustal-radiogenic gases. In addition, as they are chemically inert, they are able to give useful information about physical processes affecting other fluids circulating in sedimentary basins (i.e. groundwater residence time, dissolution, outgassing, mixing among fluids having different origin, water-gas-rock interaction).
We welcome contributions analyzing the interactions between deep earth and surface processes, i.e., thermicity, phase transitions, fluid origin, their circulation and transfer in the crust through tectonic discontinuities, fluid-rock interactions and the implications of these interactions for basin dynamics.
Furthermore studies yielding constraints on the variety of conceptual and quantitative models describing the fate of fluids throughout changing basin dynamics in different tectonic settings are invited. Moving through different temperature and pressure conditions on their way from deposition to deep burial, sediments and contained fluids store the imprints of processes controlling this history.
We welcome contributions which relate such influences from different depth levels to the interplay of processes affecting the lithosphere and crust and those controlling the fate of the sediment fill. We particularly encourage studies that aim to decipher the transfer of fluids trough the crust, the role of tectonics and the superposed signals resulting from deep and shallow levels as for example influences induced by deeper lithospheric levels, by the presence of a decoupling salt layer or by migrating fluids of various compositions.