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Crustal faulting and deformation processes observed by InSAR, pixel offsets, GPS, and modelling techniques (co-organized)
Convener: Thomas R. Walter  | Co-Conveners: Hannes Vasyura-Bathke , Riccardo Lanari , Pietro Teatini , Rocco Malservisi , Francesco Zucca 
 / Tue, 09 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / 13:30–15:00  / Room B9
 / Attendance Wed, 10 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Blue Posters

This session aims to bring together scientists working on crustal deformation processes, their monitoring and interpretation. In this section we are seeking contribution both from geodetic, computer vision and modeling community to analyze and interpret observations from InSAR, GPS, pixel offsets in imagery data and other modern geodetic methodologies.
The detection of crustal deformation allows uncovering spatial and temporal patterns of subsurface processes such as fault slip, magma intrusions and volcano activity, occurrence of land subsidence, as well as liquid and gas reservoir changes. Modern sensors allow long-year measurements of crustal deformation processes at unprecedented and steadily improving spatial and temporal resolution. Recent advances of processing techniques and combinations of the deformation data with independent ground truth data permit through inversions indirect source quantification and theoretical and conceptual model developments.
Due to improved satellites and higher resolution processing, combined with modern techniques of numerical modeling and inversion, it is now possible to investigate parameter as characteristics of the source of deformation, rheologic behavior of the surrounding rocks, effects of fault complexities and complex heterogeneous mechanical properties.
Digital signal processing and the improved spatial/temporal resolution of geodetic measurement inspire more sophisticated interpretation of these long time-series, with an analysis of time-dependent processes with the far field goal to provide new tools for the assessment of natural hazard and mitigation/monitoring of human activities as mining or wells operation.
The fundamental goal of using modern geodetic techniques is advancing our understanding of crustal deformation processes, hence this session highlights but is not limited to:
- InSAR and GPS time series methods
- Pixel offset and other methods common in computer vision
- Errors sources, contamination and correction procedures
- Analytical and numerical inverse and forward modelling strategies and model deficiencies
- Joint or hybrid combination of crustal deformation data with independent data (geochemical, geophysical, geodetic) and detailed observations from tectonics and geology
- The use of the space and ground based observation for monitoring natural hazards and human induced deformation