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Lessons on tectonic processes from the Caledonides
Convener: Torgeir B. Andersen  | Co-Conveners: Loic Labrousse , Per Terje Osmundsen 
 / Mon, 08 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room B13
 / Attendance Mon, 08 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Blue Posters

The now disrupted Caledonides once formed a collision belt that compares in size with the largest active orogens active at present time. The late orogenic collapse and successive stages of erosion of the Caledonides brought levels of the orogenic wedge only imaged by geophysics in the Himalya or the Andes. The different portions of the Caledonides therefore represent a privileged field example
for the understanding of the processes active at depth during and after the main collision stages.

We invite contributions based upon sedimentary, tectonic, petrological or radiochronological evidence from the Caledonides and that enlighten our understanding of recent orogenic zones.
Invited keynote presentation:
The Archetypal gian UHP terrane of the southern Scandinavian Caledonides.
by Prof Bradley Hacker and Andrew Kylander Clark (UCSB)