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Merging hydrologic models and Earth Observation data for reliable information on water (co-organized)
Convener: Schalk Jan van Andel  | Co-Conveners: Thomas Alexandridis , Christoph Waldmann 
 / Thu, 11 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room G1
 / Attendance Thu, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Red Posters

An increasing variability in information sources on water is available, such that next to in-situ monitoring stations, there is Earth Observation data, Meteorological modelling, and Hydrological modelling. This session invites any contribution on scientific research on how to integrate these sources of information in a meaningful way, and on technical research on how to operationalise the variety of data streams and modelling tasks in information systems for day-to-day water management applications.

Research on calibration, data assimilation, validation, and falsification strategies that aim to take into account the uncertainty of each information source is a prerequisite for capitalising on the increased information availability. Where do we stand today on this matter?

Operationalisation of data streams and integrative modelling tasks is a prerequisite to take, for example, new GMES services to the end users, e.g. water managers. What are experiences with or from water managers with EO-based information services?

Case study contributions from all over the world are welcome.

Contributions from recent and ongoing EU FP7 Space research project on GMES services for the water domain are welcomed.

This session includes contributions from a related session on data infrastructures and satellite-based monitoring, focussed more on meteorological and ocean observations. As such, this session covers the complete water cycle.