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Fluid-mineral interaction mechanisms and their effect on the major, trace, and isotopic element composition of minerals and rocks. (co-organized)
Convener: Andrew Putnis  | Co-Conveners: Timm John , Christine V. Putnis 
 / Mon, 08 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room G6
 / Attendance Mon, 08 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Blue Posters

The composition of minerals and rocks is often used to reconstruct the environmental conditions during their formation or recrystallization. These conditions can range from temperature or salinity of the oceans to pressure, temperature and fluid composition conditions during continental collisions. Experiments indicate the link between fluid composition and the mechanism of mineral dissolution and growth as well as the morphology and composition. The fluid composition at the reacting interface also dictates the trace-element incorporation of the solid and recent evidence suggests that congruent mineral dissolution and precipitation may result in isotope fractionation. The fact that much of the Earth’s crust has been affected by fluid influx raises the question to what extent this can significantly alter the composition of the rock and how the bulk trace-element and isotope composition is controlled by dissolution and precipitation processes.
We welcome studies which address the mechanisms of fluid-solid reactions on different length and time scales and using different approaches to bridge the gap between the fluid-mineral research and outcrop scale studies. This session aims to explore the common mechanisms of fluid-induced chemical changes in minerals and rocks over a range of conditions from low temperature / low pressure to high-temperature / high-pressure and ultimately to try to develop new concepts for element mobility, ion-partitioning and trace element incorporation during fluid-solid interaction.

Invited speakers: Damien Daval (Strasbourg); Bastian Joachim (Manchester); Nadia Malaspina (Milan) and Encarnacion Ruiz-Agudo (Granada).