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Geothermal Heat Flow: Linking Earth's Deep Interior and Surface Processes
Convener: Alan Vaughan  | Co-Conveners: Irina Rogozhina , Christophe Pascal 
 / Fri, 12 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room G10
 / Attendance Fri, 12 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Blue Posters

Crustal heatflow is a fundamental physical parameter of the Earth. In addition to its intrinsic value in terms of better understanding the nature of the Earth's interior it influences and is influenced by interaction with the Earth's climate, oceans and ice sheets. In this session we invite contributions on the following worldwide aspects of crustal heatflow: 1) heat flow measurements and 2) modelling of heat transport processes within the Earth's interior, 3) corrections to heat flow measurements due to paleoclimate and regional topography, 4) measurements as constraints on the thermal state of the lithosphere and mantle, 5) interaction between the solid Earth, the Cryosphere and Ocean dynamics, 6) influence of mantle convection and mantle plumes on the thermal state of the lithosphere and regional heat flow.

Public information: Crustal heatflow is a fundamental physical parameter of the Earth. In addition to its intrinsic value in terms of better understanding the nature of the Earth's interior it influences and is influenced by interaction with the Earth's climate, oceans and ice sheets. In this session we invite contributions on the following worldwide aspects of crustal heatflow: 1) heat flow measurements and 2) modelling of heat transport processes within the Earth's interior, 3) corrections to heat flow measurements due to paleoclimate and regional topography, 4) measurements as constraints on the thermal state of the lithosphere and mantle, 5) interaction between the solid Earth, the Cryosphere and Ocean dynamics, 6) influence of mantle convection and mantle plumes on the thermal state of the lithosphere and regional heat flow.