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Geodynamics of Eurasia: The Contribution of the Geodetic Community to EPOS (co-organized)
Convener: Rui Fernandes  | Co-Convener: Athanassios Ganas 
 / Fri, 12 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room R14
 / Attendance Fri, 12 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Red Posters

EPOS (European Plate Observing System) is preparing the integration of the
existing European Geosciences Infrastructures into a unique future consistent
infrastructure that can support the European Geodesy and other Geosciences.
The benefits of creating such infrastructure (shared and easily accessed by
all) are evident in order to optimize the existing and future geodetic
resources that can provide to the scientific community more and better data
for the understanding of the geodynamics of Europe and neighboring regions.
In this session, we invite the geodetic and geophysical community to present
studies of plate motions, micro-plate motions, and how they highlight
processes occurring in the deforming zones of the Eurasian plate and its
boundaries with neighboring plates. Of particular interest to EPOS is the use
of geodetic data towards mapping patterns and rates of active deformation of
European regions from GPS/GNSS and implications for seismic hazard and other
geohazards. Comparison between results derived from GNSS solutions and other
techniques are particularly welcomed since such studies are also a priority
for the EPOS community.