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Geodesy in Antarctica
Convener: alessandro capra  | Co-Convener: Markku Poutanen 
 / Thu, 11 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room PICO Spot 1

As interest in earth sciences and the effects of change within Antarctica and its global consequences has grown over the years, geodetic techniques and geodetic observations are in the central role of this research. This include establishment of permanent geodetic observatories, episodic observations, and space born techniques. The Standing Scientific Group on GeoSciences of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR SSG-GS) expert group on Geodetic Infrastructure of Antarctica (GIANT) has been established to oversee the development of Geodetic Infrastructure across the greater Antarctic Continent and to help facilitate monitoring of its physical processes. The tasks of GIANT include to
- Provide a common geospatial reference system for all Antarctic scientists and operator;
- Contribute to global geodesy for the study of the physical processes of the earth and the maintenance of the precise terrestrial reference frame;
- Provide information for monitoring the horizontal and vertical motion of the Antarctic;
- Provide advice to broader research community on the application of geodetic techniques and the reference frame in Antarctic.

This session is organized by GIANT to discuss all possible aspects of geodetic observations and results at Antarctica and Antarctica-related research. This include, but is not limited to infrastructure, observations and results associated to GNSS, Seismic and Gravity observations, satellite-based observations like gravity satellites and satellite altimetry, as well as the results from tide gauges. We solicit contributions from all disciplines related to geodetic research on Antarctica