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New horizons in provenance research (co-organized)
 / Fri, 12 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Room B11
 / Attendance Fri, 12 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Blue Posters

Where is provenance research heading? Which methods will be “hot” in the future? How can both continental and marine sediments be used in provenance studies? How equivalent are results from “old” sedimentary rocks to results from “new” rocks? These are some questions we hope to approach in this session.

We aim to present a variety of case studies using combinations of analytical techniques available today (commonly or uncommonly used) and advances in methodological approaches. We welcome contributions from the complete field of provenance research including those stressing the effect on provenance-related results that are due to different factors, such as grain-size, climate, diagenesis, and the choice of analytical approach. We encourage the presentation of both innovative methods and of studies based on a combination of analytical techniques. Thereby emphasis of the studies may be placed on the economic aspects of provenance studies, e. g., relations to the ore and hydrocarbon industry.