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Should I stay or should I go - the role of climate in early expansions of humans. (sponsored by PalAss)
Convener: Finn Viehberg  | Co-Convener: Angela Bruch 
 / Fri, 12 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room B11
 / Attendance Fri, 12 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Blue Posters

The pace and causes of the early human colonization, in one or several migratory waves from Africa in new environments of the Eurasian continent during the Pleistocene, are still a matter of debate. However, climate change is considered a major driving factor of hominin evolution and dispersal patterns. In fact directly or indirectly by its severe influence on vegetation, physiography of landscape, and animal distribution, climate modulates the availability of resources. At hominin sites direct evidence on environmental or climate conditions is generally sparse or missing. Therefore, multi-proxy approaches are essential to interpret suitable archives on- or off-site.
We like to stimulate the transdisciplinary discussion, which is necessary to strengthen our hypothesis. Therefore, we invite contributions from all disciplines aiming to reconstruct Pleistocene environments or climate states for understanding human evolution and/or dispersal.