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Hydrological,hydrochemical and hydroecological monitoring for water resources management in continental areas
Convener: Sergey Chalov  | Co-Conveners: Daniel Karthe , Jerker Jarsjö 
 / Thu, 11 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room R11
 / Attendance Thu, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Red Posters

Water-related problems are particularly challenging in continental areas, and are thus receiving increasing attention of the international community. Because of growing population and increasing evapotranspiration, the per capita water availability tends to shrink.
At the same time, water resources get polluted due to agriculture and insufficient treatment of various waste waters. Lack of coordination over shared water usage between neighboring countries has led to significant shortages of water - a problem which is expected to grow in the future.

Therefore, the identification of pollution sources and assessment of their downstream environmental and socio-economic impacts are essential prerequisites for water resources management. This is often hampered by the transboundary status of many river basins.

This session seeks contributions on recent advances in science as well as in practical applications, including:

- recent data from hydrological and hydrochemical monitoring in river basins located in continental and transboundary regions (e.g., Central Asia, Africa, Central Europe) with special emphasis on water resources assessments under changing climatic and social conditions, pollution loads and its spreading from source to recipient;
- the environmental and socio-economic impacts of water-related problems and management responses;
- case studies of transboundary water resources management and monitoring