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Molecular, isotopic and associated modeling techniques focusing on terrestrial ecosystem (co-organized)
Convener: Boris Jansen  | Co-Conveners: Ian D. Bull , Klaas G.J. Nierop , Roland Bol , Delphine Derrien , Carlos Sierra , Michael W. I. Schmidt , Guido Wiesenberg , Claudio Zaccone 
 / Tue, 09 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room G5
 / Attendance Tue, 09 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Green Posters

In this session, scientists from the Isotopes in Geosciences (IG), Biogeosciences (BG) and Soil System Sciences (SSS) program groups of the EGU joined forces. The aim is to bring together scientists from various backgrounds, but all devoted to the study of terrestrial ecosystems. In particular scientists focusing on the molecular analysis of recent and ancient soils, sediments or other terrestrial archives, including stable or radio isotopic techniques. Furthermore we welcome those who combine (results of) such molecular approaches in biogeochemical modeling.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
• Assessment of human impact on terrestrial ecosystems (land use change, elevated atmospheric CO2, changing temperature or precipitation patterns, etc.)
• Dynamics of organic matter in soils or sediments (i.e. evolution, diagenesis, preservation, sequestration and transport)
• Reconstructions of paleo-environment (i.e., paleo-climate and paleo-vegetation)
• Development of new molecular proxies or new applications / combinations of existing ones (e.g. PLFAs, GDGTs, (ancient) DNA, but also new modelling approaches)

This session aspires to provide a platform for scientific discussion and exchange of ideas between different (sub)disciplines dealing with the above. This includes both fundamental and applied research, and field-, laboratory as well as modeling studies.

Keynote by Susan Trumbore
We are happy that Susan Trumbore has agreed to kick of what we hope will be a very interesting and lively session with an inspiring keynote lecture.