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Fluid-rock interactions and transport properties in fault zones
Co-Convener: Giulio Di Toro 
 / Wed, 10 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room B3
 / Attendance Wed, 10 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Blue Posters

The presence of fluids controls fault strength, earthquake nucleation, propagation and arrest. Fluid-rock interaction in faults is yet poorly understood during the seismic and the inter-seismic intervals (e.g., effect of fluids on friction under co-seismic conditions, fluid pressurization, variation of permeability during the seismic cycle, chemical and mechanical effects...).
We invite novel contributions based on laboratory experiments, numerical modeling, field work (from geological survey to geophysical and seismological investigations), with particular emphasis to drilling of major faults, in order to provide new insights on:
1) Frictional processes in the presence of fluids. 2) Fault evolution in the inter-seismic period, including healing and sealing processes. 3) Fracture and flow in fault zones and physical properties of fault rocks.

Invited speakers : Prof. Dr. Chris Spiers ; Dr. Wataru Tanikawa