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Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


The Caucasian convergence zone: Deep-seated structure, volcanism and neotectonics
Convener: Alexey L. Sobisevich  | Co-Convener: Lev Eppelbaum 

Caucasian region is one of the most complex mountainous constructions of the world with still uncertain tectonic structure. Despite of the many years of geological-geophysical investigations and many thousands of publications, this region masks many “white spots”. This session is intended to various geophysical fields applied to studying deep structure of the Caucasian region: seismic in-vestigations, gravity, magnetic and thermal data analysis, magnetotelluric sounding, GPS examina-tion, etc. Geophysical methodologies applied for prediction of dangerous geodynamic events at depth and paleomagnetic reconstructions are also objects of our interest. The position of the Cauca-sus in the Alpine-Mediterranean Belt and stages of its tectono-geological evolution may be outlined as separate direction in this session. In addition, our session includes studying such phenomena as volcanic activity and revealing lineaments and ring structures phenomena. A connection between the deep structure and localization of useful minerals is well-known, and it is as well as our subject. We propose to hear about the results of land, airborne and satellite regional geophysical methods analyses as well as very detailed (e.g. archaeogeophysical and environmental) investigations. Inte-grated geophysical examinations for the Caucasus region are especially welcome.