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Geomorphology workshops for young scientists: Dating techniques in geomorphology (co-organized)
Convener: Jens Turowski 
Mon, 08 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Room G2

Dating surfaces, sedimentary columns, or disturbance marks in the field has become a standard component of geomorphological research in the past years. A number of different dating techniques are available, and each of them is well suited for a certain research questions, environments, age ranging and materials. In this workshop we give an introduction to some of these techniques, discuss their applicability to different tasks, their pros and cons, and equipment need, cost and field constraints and methods.
Kevin Norton (University of Wellington, New zealand) will give an overview over cosmogenic dating techniques,
Geoff Duller (Aberystwys University, UK) will enlighten us on luminiscence dating.
Susan Trumbore (Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Germany) will speak on on C14 dating techniques.