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Towards a strategy for the next phase of GEO Water Activities
Thu, 11 Apr, 19:00–20:00  / Room B13

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is developing a plan for its post-2015 activities. Water will continue to feature as a focus area within this plan. In order to address this opportunity the Integrated Global Water Cycle Observations (IGWCO) Community of Practice and the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) are working together to develop a strategy for GEO water activities over the next decade. This plan is scheduled to be submitted to the GEO Summit in January 2014.
To be successful in GEO’s framework of volunteerism, the water strategy must build on GEO’s progress during the past decade and on collaborations with related programmes at the international and national levels. Furthermore, the implementation of the strategy requires a commitment from scientists and data providers, and their agencies to be successful.

This Townhall meeting has been organized to provide interested scientists with an update on progress that has been made in developing a water strategy; to review some of the priority issues that will be included in the strategy, and to seek feedback on how the strategy should be modified in order to adjust to emerging technologies, understanding and policies. After three or four short presentations to provide context and background, the floor will be open for audience input regarding gaps in the strategy and the identification of approaches for addressing those gaps.