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Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Experiment (public)
Convener: Florian Pappenberger  | Co-Conveners: Maria-Helena Ramos , Albrecht Weerts , Hessel Winsemius , Jan Verkade , Schalk Jan van Andel , Yi He , Fredrik Wetterhall , Nathalie Voisin 
Thu, 11 Apr, 12:15–13:15  / Room Y3

Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Experiment - EGU meeting

The HEPEX mission is to demonstrate the added value of hydrological ensemble predictions (HEPS) for emergency management and water resources sectors to make decisions that have important consequences for economy, public health and safety.

Please visit

Program is published fro discussion on LinkedIn HEPEX group - join in!

Public information: Current suggestion of agenda:
a. Science Plan - progress

b. Support of HEPEX community through web presence

c. Webinar - report and how to improve

d. A HEPEX award - establishment of award committee and award criteria

e. Future meetings (2014 - 10 year HEPEX, meeting at the EMS)

f. Report on existing experiments and thoughts about new ones

g. The Hydrological Ensemble book

h. AOB

Please feel free to make additional suggestions on the LinkedIn HEPEX group or email directly to us