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LearnEO!: Developing resources for Earth observation education (public)
Tue, 09 Apr, 13:30–17:00  / Room R3

LearnEO! is a 2-year project supported by ESA to develop new training resources in the analysis and interpretation of Earth observation data. A key aim is to stimulate and support the development of an EO education community who are willing to develop, review, test and share EO training resources in the future - beyond the lifespan of LearnEO!
Lessons currently under development use the UNESCO Bilko software, which has recently been upgraded to support a wider range of data formats and data analysis techniques, but the project also aims to provide information about other EO analysis tools. The meeting will focus on how best to share existing and future resources for EO education and ways in which different initiatives may collaborate to meet the needs of the wider EO education community.

Public information: Each of the two sessions include a mixture of short presentations of what is available from LearnEO! followed by discussion.

Chaired by Craig Donlon from ESA, the first session (1330:1500) looks at data sets and lessons available from the ESA LearnEO! project ( This is followed by a discussion of how to share resources among different education and capacity building initiatives, to avoid duplication and take full advantage of available resources.

Chaired by Pierre-Philippe Mathieu from ESA, the second session (15:30-17:00) introduces the LearnEO! lesson writing competition, and looks at ways to build on research and teaching around the world to create new lessons for self-study or use in professional development training courses. This is followed by a discussion: Towards a roadmap for future Earth observation education.